Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The World is Going to Hell in a Hand-basket

But then again, hasn't it always been?

Lots of people are complaining that things are bad right now--from the economy to the environment to the state (or lack there of) of world peace. I agree, things are bad. The rich are getting richer, we're busy shitting where we sleep, and people are killing each other for natural resources, or the color of their skin/God they worship.

Was it any different 20 years ago? 200 years ago? 2000 years ago? During Jesus' time the rich were getting richer, arable land and water were being destroyed, and empires were busy waging wars on other lands (not to mention crucifying the occasional miscreant).

Twenty years ago, we were still locked in a cold war, people were still killing each other and acid rain was dissolving fish-stocks while kleptocrats were busy robbing the poor blind.

Nothing changes.

That doesn't mean we can't work towards building a better, more progressive, more socially just world for our children. I just think we shouldn't allow how bad things seem, and how dire the situation appears to keep us from continuing to work towards that goal.

So, Canadians, kick out the Conservatives and elect a progressive party. Americans, elect more and better Democrats, starting with Obama. The rest of the world, work towards social justice by pushing your governments to the left--steering clear of totalitarianism all the while (Stalin was no Liberal Progressive).

Yes we can.



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