Friday, March 17, 2006

A View from the Pulpit

From The Catholic Register, a plea for the Liberal party to Be true liberals:

Be true liberals

By Joe Sinasac

The campaign for the leadership of the federal Liberal party ended its shadow phase this month and leapt into the open with publication of the rules of engagement. This is a defining moment for the future of the party and now is the time for those politicians who are serious about their religion to step up and be counted.

This is not about people running for leadership with crucifix in hand, though that would certainly shake things up. Our ambitions are much more modest. Rather, Canadians deserve a Liberal party that makes room for people of all faiths. In effect, we’re asking Liberals to be liberal.

This is not as humble a proposal as it sounds. Though there are Liberal members of Parliament who belong to various churches, synagogues, mosques and temples, and though millions of Liberal voters embrace religious faith as a fundamental motivator in their lives, the Liberal Party is in danger of cutting itself off from this deep source of wisdom and support.


Now, I'm a self-professed Zen-Catholic, and my faith and spirituality play a huge role in my life, but I take issue with the idea that being 'liberal' means pandering to religious special interests. The basic point of liberal values is to allow people to be people and follow whatever faiths they may have--even if they don't have any! To expect a so-called liberal party (and as a member of the Federal Liberal Part of Canada I think it's fair for me to say it's hardly a leftist entity--then again, compared to the CPC fascists, almost any other party in Canada could be considered leftist) to enforce prayers or any sort in a public, let alone government sponsored gathering is insulting to those of us who practice our religion or faith far more privately--if at all.

I say to Mr. Sinasac that if he wants to have his religion inffluence public policy he should move to the United States, where their President was apparently chosen by God and not the voters, and claims Jesus Christ as his personal savior and counselor--surely Christ had a few choice words about torture and pre-emptive war.

Okay all you Christo-Fascists, flame away!



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