Friday, February 24, 2006

Stupid or Insane?

Apparently the new Conservative Government is reaching out to the US and suggesting they may want to go against the vast majority of Canadian wishes and join the North American Ballistic Missile Defense:

Defense minister backs U.S. missile plan

Just one more instance where I feel the need to say 'I Told You So' to all those voters out there who thought Stephen Hairpiece would keep his promises and stick to the limited mandate Canadians gave him. He's the Government now, and if his neo-con masters south of us are to be believed, anything he does is the law, so suck it up peons.

And all this talk of BMD despite the fact that former US DoD Asst. Sec of Defense Phil Coyle says the whole program is a colossal failure.

Oh, and that wonderful National Child Care program? Canceled. Thanks Stephen--now my ex-wife can get the $100 a month for my daughter's daycare, and the overall costs will go up treble that. Guess who'll be picking up the extra there? Not you, you prick.



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